Monday, 18 August 2014

Day 2

The day started quite unpromising but the director was keen and confident. At about 12 he asked us to rig and grid, then heavens opened and a deluge followed! Quickly on the grid after the rain stopped and into briefing to be given a 150k task into wind CAC CLP CHV WH2 LA7.

I was at the front of the grid, launched and fell back to ground for a relight. Second time was better as I crossed to Basingstoke where there was a stonking line. 6kts to cloudbase settled me down. I had to fly 14k to the start line, climbed and started on my own.

Some streets were booming some had had their day. I was nervy skirting the Southampton airspace to Andover where I got a decent 4kt climb back up. Then a long glide at 104:1 to MAR where I was bounced by LE, T6, VV, and 66. This spurred me on a bit and I turned CLP first on a 41k glide at 180:1. Amazing how a 30kt tailwind helps your averages!

A small climb at MEM put me on for a 63k glide home. This was twice now I had found a crosswind line W of Salisbury Plain. Only a couple of landouts.Well done Pete for sending us.

My slow start put me 15 mins behind the pace. Leigh Wells won the day in 1hr 30mins (or so) and as the top ten were only 5 mins apart I ended up 16th. A devalued day meant that I lost only a few points to the field and remain 6th overall just 7 points ahead of Leigh.

Today looks like another good one depsite the front overhead.

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