Monday, 18 August 2014

Monday 18th

Today was very busy doing not very much. Gridded early to find breifing put back to 10:30. Set task A to Brill via Treyford and Great Bedwin 247k. Juniors launched first into a congested sky and landed out. Then a rebrief to Task B to Bicester via Great Bedwyn.

The sky to North went to shite, then we rebriefed again for Treyford Great Bedwyn via Basingstoke and launched..... I was last to launch at 13:49. The start line was called for 4300ft at 14:05 giving me less than the requried 17 minutes to get to start height. I complained to no avail.

Was able to climb to cloudbase in front of a shower up the side of agreat CuNim then flew through rain to the start zone and back through rain down track. After a minute or two I decided it was a no hoper so returned to Lasham for a relight. There I found DW and F2 who had started and done the same.

Eventually everyone except Buster Naegli landed back and queued up for a relight behind me. Despite waiting for 520 (Naegli) to return and 17:45 (last launch 1800) the day never happened and we put the gliders away.

Fortunately no one passed Y so no points awarded and I did not have to protest the start time...most unpopular but would have prevented anyone from getting points.

25 minutes of interesting flying within a generally frustrating day. Anyhow, now comfortably lodged in the Walnut Barn B&B in Bentworth. Nice fillet steak in the Sun Inn. Bed.


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