Thursday 18 July 2013

Wednesday result

Yesterday we were set 249k HB3 NWK STT SIL LUT HUS and launched at 1300. I climbed then fell down to about 1400ft near the airfield and scratched for 30mins to get back up. Despite the cufr (cumulus frivolous) it was tricky to locate the thermals and they were very tight. Soon after I got up I called a start and set off to MAH to see what the air was like there - better. So I returned and started again just before the big gaggle.

I had a good run out but with modest thermals. I got caught by the gaggle just short of NWK but by going direct into the turn I kept up with Watty who was flying like the legend he is! A good climb at the turn kept me in touch but as usual I found it very difficult to work the thermals in the gaggle and preferred to be finding my own climbs. Consequently I chose a slightly different line and made similar time in improving conditions with thermals up to 5kts and 5000ft down to NOS. They got away from me in and out of SIL but a climb onto glide near STS and a better line gave me an fast and easy final glide around LUT to a 140kt finish.

Any day I fly a task over 100kph I am happy but my 105 was somewhat behind Ed Johnstone's 113 leaving me in 14th place for the day. Hoorah. I am no longer bottom!

Steve Brown has gone home now, so no crew again. Thanks for your help Steve. Looks blue today.

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