Friday 2 July 2010

Friday 2nd

Arrived on site and rigged the glider and started the beer fridge. Important stuff first! Took a flight around to get my bearings and find out what the site looked liked from 20k out. Wasn't very easy to see at first but once you work out where things are it becomes easier. Not very many places to land short either, the best option seems to be to bail out W towards the Severn and find a field down there. I have tried to sort one out but again they are not that easy except down by the railway where there are plenty of big flat fields.

The Director, Tim Macfdyen has worked out how he is going to play the new rules on team flying and Flarm. Let's hope that the pilot committees can put some pressure on the comps committee to repeal silly rules for next year.

There is nothing new with Matt, no crew for tomorrow, no comp licence to show the stewards. He will probably win it, nevertheless!

The B & B I have found for Boris and I is just a little quaint! Cecilia, our landlady seems nice, but the property is very old and cranky!! There is however a pub opposite which purports to be Gloucestershire's best beer pub and I have got decent wifi in the room. I let you know what breakfast turns out like!

Bye for now...Jim
Sorry no pics today, maybe tomrorrow.

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