Saturday, 3 July 2010

Saturday 3rd July Day 1

Director set 328k NYM-THP-POT-TOW-NY1 because Sid the sad said that the weather would go to worms. I notice Steve Lynn managed 750 today. The cloudbase was low and variable before the start and it wasn't trivial to stay up. I was full of water and set off soon after the line opened. Had a fantastic run to THP which should have been a clue! Next leg was unrewarding and arriving a Potton much lower than I wanted I found it difficult to get a climb.

Watched Watty round the turn having taken 10 minutes out of me and followed him for a while. Being a bit lower I had to play it more carefully and connected with nothing finally ending up very low near Towester. Threw the dice for a final search around Towester town and lucked into 6 kts. Having a bit of a loss of confidence now I went very gingerly NW towards Banbury watching 301 and P2 right down in the dirt.

Finally the sky picked up a bit around Edgehill and from there it was a bit easier although there was lots of sink and a stiff headwind. Now regretting that I had taken my bugwipers off as I kept falling back on glide but ended up with good air in the last 15k to finish with plenty of energy. 85Kph against the winners 117Kph and in the bottom half. Must try harder!

So down the pub for dinner and beer ending up at the Old Spot in Dursley. Funny how you can never really get away from glider pilots when you want to. See piccy attached to a beam above the bar - sorry Perky!

Not expecting to fly tomorrow.


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